Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tiered Lessons

Are all kids the same? Absolutely not. My own children are different from one another. Each person enjoys or thrives doing different types of activities. Then again, there are some kids that teachers must work just to keep them above C level.

Today's thoughts take me to options for students. Particularly tiered lessons as I consider preparing for inclusion classes that include special education students, regular level students, and PreAP who need a push.

In tiered lessons, there is a basic learning goal presented with several levels of learning available. One level is foundational for all students. It is the minimum required for everyone. The middle level will ask a bit more and most students should be able to handle these activities. The third level is for students who need a challenge or are not satisfied with anything less than an A+!

Personal challenge - review a lesson that can be tiered and incorporate it into a performance task for one of the units this year.

Engine-Uity has great ideas that I can even use in high school. 
Engine-uity's Whole Language Prima Kit for Grades 1-3

1 comment:

Mary said...

It must be tough having so many kids on different levels. As a homeschooler I only have two, but I still like to combine topics when I can. I use because I can have my kids on the same page for history, but doing assignments at their learning level.

Good luck with your upcoming school year! :)