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The tire swing gets more action than the swing set! |
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Onions that were planted last October. |
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My sweetie and the neighbor keeping a watchful eye on the bbq pit. Do you see the smoke? |
Book Talk
Forty and Fabulous
Confession time: I'm still going jogging two or three times a week, but it seems to be harder. The first few times I went, it seemed like I had so much energy. I'm not sure what the deal is! I have a meeting every Monday afternoon; so on Tuesday, Model T and I will hit the pavement again. The 5k is Easter weekend.
Lent Reflections from my pastor
At the beginning of Lent, my pastor started a series titled, "Giving It Up." Each week he has discussed something that we need to eliminate from our lives. One sermon was about prejudice. The sermon text was John 4: 4 - 42 The Samaritan Woman. The thing that really stuck with me was his comment that we should give up our prejudice about theological differences. This hits really close to home for me because I was raised as a Baptist, married a Lutheran, and now worship in a Methodist church. Our Sunday School class is made up of former Lutherans, former Baptists, former Catholics, and life long Methodists. What do we have in common? We love Jesus! We want a relationship with Him. And we study His Word. That is enough. Do we disagree on some things? Absolutely. Two Baptists have three opinions.
One last note . . .
Here is a piece of a blog I read this week:
You can have a right relationship, but if you embrace this relationship in the wrong season, it will bring frustration and self-destruct. Friendships change yet as women we often struggle with letting go of friendships that are no longer fruitful. Not letting go is rooted in fear and fear always leads to torment. Letting go allows us to trust God with our friendships, and when we are willing to let go and let God, He will either bring the friendship around in due time or bring in new friendships that will propel us forward into our destiny.
Here is what God has shown me:
A right association in a right season = right results
A wrong association in any season = wrong results
And a right association in a wrong season = wrong results
A right association in a right season = right results
A wrong association in any season = wrong results
And a right association in a wrong season = wrong results
You can read more at Tracy Hurst's blog.