Monday, June 30, 2014

Thumpin' Small Town Weekend

Once again, my family enjoyed staying mostly local.  A neighboring town had their own festival which we enjoy visiting.  This year, my girls only did the carnival, but to buy an arm band and ride whatever they want for as long as they want is worth it.  Actually, we didn't even buy an arm band because we have connections.  Shhh!  That is another perk to being connected in a small town.  I highly recommend it.  Wait!  I'm reminded of a Chris LeDoux song:

So, y'all just stay where you are.  Enjoy your big city.  Let us take care of the snakes and critters out here.

Here are my kids {not} enjoying a STW.

We also enjoying eating as cheaply as possible so that we can go out on the town and enjoy the local attractions.  We hunt and grow our own stuff.  My husband also works on a ranch that has an incredible garden.  The office sells the produce, and my husband brings home what he can.  Whether you buy from a farmers' market or grow it yourself, it really is the best way to eat.

Cooking sausage links from last season's hunt.  

Do you see the spider?
I pointed him out
before Model T
jumped in for that mater.  

Red knows better than to go in there!
The other thing that started this weekend is VBS!  I'll have more to post about that later, but here is the first night.

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