Sunday, August 12, 2012

Crazy Ladies

Did you see a group of crazy ladies tonight?  You've spotted royalty!  Did you know that you can be royal too?  John 1:12 says that we have been given the right to be called the children of God.  That's makes us royalty.  I Peter 2:9 also says that we are a holy nation and a royal priesthood.  Again, royalty. 

So how does that work?  How does a person become royalty?  It is as simple and complex as having a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Romans 10:9 tells us that we have to confess our sins and believe in Christ and we will be saved.  Royalty starts there.  At that point, we begin to break down walls that seperate us from Christ.  At that point, we begin to develop a relationship with Christ. 

Who is this Christ?  Who are John and Peter?  Oh!  There is so much to tell, but that is the wonderful thing about a relationship!  There is time to get to know a person.  There is time to get to know Christ.  It is not something that happens all at once. 

However, it is 2:45 am.  I couldn't sleep because I wanted to type a little something.  There is certainly more to come! 

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