Saturday, November 28, 2015

Family Pictures

When I asked my sister-in-law to take our family pictures again this year, I knew in the back of my mind that I would go wherever and do whatever she said to do.  "I know of a bridge close to your parents' place," she said.  "Let's do family pictures there," she said.  And so we followed her down a dirt road to what looked like a questionable old bridge.  "Just walk out there a little way.  I love listening to the water rushing below."

 Thank goodness that old bridge is more sturdy than it looks.  We really had nothing to worry about.
While Bonnie was trying to get a good picture of Model C, I was enjoying looking a little less sophisticated.  Yes, that's the real me.  Yes, J is laughing at me and telling me not to post this one.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Adventures in Teaching

This became normal attire for teaching with these ladies.
Yes, we are royalty!
Yes, our students thought we were nuts.  

Teaching is worth it when you are remembered
four years later and get a graduation announcement!

I've given up patrolling the gum issue!

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorites.
 I don't know why the students don't love it as much as I do.

Taking notes in this century.
I spent all that time writing it out on the board.
Then the first kid says, "Can I just take a picture?"

And this kid?  He wore it the whole period.
Yes, I let him.  He still participated.  

No, I don't just work Monday through Friday.

I can't believe I actually did this.
I am not an elementary teacher!

Odysseus got lost for ten years because the gods were mad.
The Hebrews wandered for 40 years because God was upset.
I think I'll try not to make the real God upset.  

One time, I actually made these to introduce
The Odyssey to my students.
One time. 

I absolutely loved watching these students devour poetry!  

This is an award winning book,
and I got to share it with my kids
and talk to them about modern day slavery.
I get to do that with literature.  

I let kids write notes on a note card for the test.
This is just evidence of how different
each kid's brain works.
Each card is organized so differently.
My job is to figure out how to reach
each of those kids.  I have nearly 145 this year.