Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life and Death

Obituaries seem to have become a regular this spring.  This past Monday, my family attended a funeral for a sweet neighbor.  She was 74, I think.  Grandma had been fighting cancer for only the past year.  We were fortunate to live next door to her for a few years when Model T was born.  Grandma had a very interesting history that she didn't talk about much.  She was a German born in Yugoslavia in WWII.  She had a rough start, but eventually made it to the United States.  Yes, I left a lot out just now.  Not long ago, another neighbor invited her to church, and Grandma became a faithful church goer until the very end.  We call her Grandma because she took us all in and treated us that way.  She nicknamed Model T as Goldilocks.  She hosted Christmas dinner at her house.  She joined us for Front Yard Fridays each week.  She quilted and baked.  She was a grandma by pure and living definition.  The week before she moved to Heaven, my girls insisted on going to see her in the nursing home.  I thought about putting it off but then realized how sweet it was that they wanted to go see her.  My husband took Model C back again the next day.  I am so relieved that we went because she was gone the very next week.  When I lost my Papa, I was on my way to see him.  I was only two hours away, and we weren't expecting him to go that night.  He didn't wait.  When I lost my Grandpa J, I told my mom, "If he is still around this weekend, I'll come and see him."  He died on a Friday.

What is the point?  Don't wait to spend time with people.  You don't know what kind of time you might have.

Forty and Fabulous

This is really tough!  I made Model T and C go jogging with me.  I thought I was going to have to carry Model T home!  She thinks she is so ready, but when I make her go out to practice, it is a fiasco!  Model C is in better shape right now.  I might let Model T ride her bike with me tonight just so I can go for myself.

This morning, my wedding ring was really tight.  That always makes me nervous.  One good reason to get rid of this extra weight is so my wedding ring will fit.  I'm just being honest.  It is very embarrassing to me to not be able to wear my engagement and wedding ring.  Lately, I can't wear both, and sometimes I can't wear either.  That will not be fabulous at all!

My sweetie will turn 40 this week.

Book Talk

I finally reached the turning point in The Scarlet Thread.  I can see things changing.  In poetry, we call it the shift.  In literature, it is the climax.  I can see the tension, the heart ache, the solution coming.

I also went to Goodwill and stocked up on several more books to replace lost ones on my shelves at school.  I should be upset about lost books, but I'm not.  Lost books means that students have books, and that is a good thing.


This morning in Sunday School one of the verses we read was Romans 8:1 which tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  The beautiful part of this verse is the freedom it proclaims for the believer who dwells in fellowship with Christ!  Whatever sin from the past of the believer is not held against him because of the love in the relationship with Christ.  In Him, we are again clean and pure.  Amen!


"The Beginning of Sight"

Surrounded by blinding darkness
until the foreign light beckons.
Struggling, trudging, walking
toward the light
with a shadow
behind, our sin
behind us. Then,
we stand in full Sight
in the middle of the Light.

Psalm 112: 4 - Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious and compassionate and righteous.
John 1:5 - The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

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